
"This important view painting by Giuseppe Bernardino Bison depicts the Grand Canal seen from the south, with the Rialto bridge dominating the lines of the buildings and linking the two banks, respectively called Fondamenta del Vin and Fondamenta del Ferro. On the far right, is the palazzo Dolfin-Manin and the bridge over the Rio San Salvatore, while at the centre, beyond the Rialto Bridge, is the Fondaco dei Tedeschi.

Bison displays mastery in the depiction of detail, enriches the composition inspired by the work of Canaletto. Bison infuses a spirit of life into his work, with his characteristic elegant palette of blue and pink tones which gives a romantic mood to the veduta, enlivened with numerous small figures populating the canal in accordance with the fashion of the day."


Documents Villes


The Grand Canal with the Rialto Bridge


Non daté


Huile sur toile


68 x 97 cm


Dorotheum (consulté le 25/06/2020)


Non libre de droits