
“The subject of The Grand Canal from San Vio, was depicted by the artist on a number of occasions. In the present case the view, looking towards San Marco, opens in the right foreground with the palazzo Barbarigo where we see a woman leaning out of one of the windows and a man cleaning one of the chimneys. The wall of the façade that gives onto the campo, in which the artist included a number of figures, is decorated with a drawing of a boat and an inscription. The line of buildings on the right bank of the canal leads the eye to the dome of the Salute and the Punta di Dogana. On the other side Canaletto depicts the palazzo Corner della Ca’ Grande and ends at the Riva degli Schiavoni. The Grand Canal from San Vio perhaps reveals more interest in creating effects of chiaroscuro, which is particularly notable in the boats in the right foreground that help to lead the eye into the composition. Canaletto achieved fine effects of colour and its nuances, successfully conveying the tones of the water, whose greenish tint contrasts with the large area of blue sky.”


Documents Villes


Le Grand Canal vu du campo San Vio


Museo Thyssen- Bornemisza




Huile sur toile, 140,5 x 204,5 cm


Wikimedia (consulté le 5 janvier 2022)


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