

La base numérique RIM est un outil  de recherche, ouvert, collaboratif, interactif, adossé à l'Axe « Repenser la Méditerranée » du Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine (UCA, FR).


COLLECTIONS (Bibliographie/ Sitographie / Filmographie)
MOT CLÉ (page d'accueil)
    • liste complète de toutes les ressources sans répartition  par types de ressources

RUBRIQUE REPRESENTATIONS (auteurs/artistes)    
    • cliquer un auteur et/ou un artiste
    • accéder à l'arborescence des ressources liées réparties en 24 types (théâtre, poésie, romans, extraits citations, chansons, films, street art etc..)
RUBRIQUE THÉORIES (concepts/thématiques transversales) 
    • sélectionner un concept/siècle
    • accéder à l'arborescence des ressources liées réparties en 24 types (théâtre, poésie, romans, extraits citations, chansons, films, street art etc..)
    • sélectionner un lieu
    • accéder à l'arborescence de ressources liées à ce lieu réparties en 24 types (films, romans, extraits citations, chansons, street art, etc.).

Financed by IDEX UCA-JEDI, as part of the Academy 5, the digital library is sustained by the Academic Library of the UNIVERSITÉ COTE D’AZUR (FR), is realized in partnership with the research project "Representations and Imaginations of the Mediterranean" (RIM), sustained by the research center CMMC, with the art school Villa Arson, the National library of France, in association with HumaNum for the new research projects.
“Representations and Imaginations of the Mediterranean space" (RIM) project aims to build a database, a tool able to collect, concentrate and list out the largest collection of artistic, literary, and cultural resources on the representations and imaginations of the Mediterranean space. The library  offers, in the pilot project and then in its final form, a complex arborescence whose scientific relevance will be guaranteed by the scientific expertise of the contributors, (teachers-researchers, members of the university community and research teams...). Their expertise in the proposed thematic areas allow to enrich and ensure the quality of the digitized collection gathered and intended for a large public as much as for informed communities of researchers. The fund is divided into transversal subject areas, exceeding the academic fields and the notions and traditional categories of spaces and settings, of time and periods, pointing up a corpus relating to the modern and contemporary periods (16th-21st). Several corpus, selected in the multidisciplinary and patrimonial collections of the university, in the subject areas of Literature, Arts, Human and Social Sciences will be completed with other selections of digitalized documents, extracted from the national digital library of France Gallica and digital native documents. This contents will be editorialized, enriched, and highlighted in web interfaces, bringing features of the Internet portals and websites, creating eventually an interaction between a citizen or a student public and the scientific community.

Les partenaires du projet